Christmas Markets of Alscase

I think some of the best plans are made when there are no plans in motion. We really wanted to see the Salzburg Christmas market and to understand what the craze is all about, and we really wanted to do it this. But since we spent two weeks in Australia and Bali, we did not…

The ‘Ordinary’ Review

I have been completely obsessed with this brand of skin-care. It comes in a no-fuss packaging, its cruelty free (there are so few skin care companies that can boast of this), vegan friendly and it works. It works wonders, you will notice a change in the texture, look and the entire feel of your skin….

Squid Tentacles Pasta

I had never cooked a squid in my entire life before this day, but while I was at our local supermarket I saw this cleaned fresh squid and I was tempted to try and cook it. I love to eat squid, to be honest, and whenever I find something to do with squids on a…

The Journey In Porto

The thing you will notice first when you land in Porto is the people. I don’t know if it is just me who felt that, but it has one of the kindest, nicest and warmest people that I have met. We had such a great time in Porto and mainly it was because everywhere we…

Caneton Poele Aux Navets (Casserole-roasted Duck with Turnips)

I fell in love with French food during my trip to Paris, and I suddenly had this brilliant idea, which is totally unabashedly picked up from my favorite movie of all times Julie and Julia. As I sat watching the movie for the 100th time in my life and Mr. H walking in and commenting…

Porto on a Plate

Never a sad moment in my life when there is food on my plate. Porto is food heaven for foodaholics. Its culinary expertise knows few competitors in the region. From the most expensive to the local fares, everything is a gastronomic experience in Porto. Here are a few places that we ate at during our…

The Only Hair Masks that You Will Need

I write the ‘Only’ and then I write ‘MaskS’ quite oxymoronish, don’t you think. I am a Bengali by birth and that means I have a mother who has spent my entire childhood worrying greatly about three things, (1) A Good Brain, (2) My Hair and (3) My Skin. The fact remains I have a…

Winter Skin Care-Body Care

Winters are beautiful, no doubt! Your wardrobe changes, the style changes, the colors on the street changes. However, amidst all that let’s not forget the extra-care that our skin is literally screaming for. The weather gets cooler and dryer with the humidity levels dropping, showers become extra hot and you stay indoors in even more…

Vichying My Way to Good Skin

To start with I must tell you my skin is dry to the point that I must coat and layer my skin multiple times just to keep it sufficiently hydrated or should I say I WOULD have to do that, not anymore though. I have been using two products by Vichy for the past four…

An Evening in Paris

Paris to me will always mean a kiss in the rain, a twirl under the Eiffel Tower, beret hats in quaint cafes, red lipstick and Coco Chanel. I say an evening in Paris but it was supposed to be two. Me and Mr. H had been trying to make a trip to Paris but there…